Big Tex home game hustle, NFT flops due to ‘niche,’ and Match Play Flashbacks
The great Kyle Porter of CBS joins for this Friday episode with Florida Man Andy on family vacation. Brendan and Kyle dive into the first two days from the WGC Match Play, delighting in Sergio’s camo pants, Bryson’s 46-yard drive, Spieth’s surge, and Rory’s walkabout in the wilderness. There’s also intel about the dangers this week in Austin with balls flying over the range net into play. Kyle talks about his upcoming trip to Augusta and what’s jumping out to him as the Masters bears down on us. Bryson’s underwhelming NFT rollout is reviewed, as are comments from his agent that the lack of demand was due to golf simply being a niche sport. They also discuss the Punta Cana finishing stretch being named “The Devil’s Elbow.” Precision Pro Flashback Friday is a two-scoop treat with Kyle bringing his own research on that time Tiger massacred someone not named Stephen Ames, and Brendan looking back on the year that absolutely no one showed up and the 90th ranked player in the world went through the bracket.